
Played by: Dann, Chris, John, Jon, Ben, Rob, Mike E
Movies: Forgotten Past, Midnight Shadows

RebellionSilver EnemyForgotten PastShadows
Zi's are the generic masked enemy. They make for good fodder for the Ductorian warriors. Although they are usually fairly weak, they can come in packs and be a serious threat. Zi's have no consistancy and their attire changes between each individual. Some Zi's are more notable such as the Witch Zi, Dolarmax, Malordy, the Zi retriever and Sentaratu.

DCJ's use of Duct Wars is strictly educational and not-for-profit. All movies were meant as a basis to test filming techniques and technology, as well as having some fun. DCJ acknowledges the many similarities between Duct Wars and Starwars, and takes no ownership for 'sabers' or similar names used.